Sunday, July 2, 2017

REVIEW: Ceramic Flat Iron Hair Straightener by #HSIProfessional

This is a fabulous #Glider ceramic hair straightener! I can't believe it heats up in 15 seconds and glides through my hair once and it's with naturally wavy hair! Up, it's a they sent me all kinds of bonus gifts, too. Aragon oil, Aragon Oil based hairspray, heat-protective glove and storage case...even a Velcro wrapper to keep my cord taught. LOVE IT!

Watch un-boxing video on YouTube:

Buy yours here:

#HSI #HSIProfessional #HSIGlider #CeramicFlatIron #CeramicHairStraighener #StraigheningHair

All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.

REVIEW: Potent Natural Milk Thistle Extract by #Natrogix

I'm so tickled (and so is my body) I started taking this. You won't notice an effect immediately, but rest-assured, when your body adapts, you'll see the results 10 fold. It helps to clean the body out as a whole and once your liver is functioning well (milk thistle's main superpower is liver detoxification), everything else will function better too. I will never stop taking this....thank again, Natrogix for another fabulous supplement!

Buy yours on Amazon:


All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.

REVIEW: Instant CelluMoist and #InstantPeel Exfoliant by Earthen

OMGosh, Flockers! If you are seeking a superior #moisturizer,.....THIS is the real deal! Such a luscious feel....and supple it!

Watch un-boxing video on YouTube:

Buy yours on their site:

#EarthenSkinCare #InstantPeel #InstantPeelExfoliant #TheNaturalSolution #InstantCelluMoist #Moisturizer

All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Review: Copper Fit Compression Wrist Support Sleeve/Brace by #Zone365

Wrist Sleeve is fabulous! Fits nicely, not too tight and nor too lose. Can actually see the copper running through the material.
♫ Oh what a relief it is ♫ aids my wrist pain & makes me so ♫ #Happy

Watch un-boxing video on YouTube:

Buy yours on Amazon:

#CopperWristCompression #Zone #Zone365 #CopperFitCompression #WristSupport #WristSleeve #WristBrace #CopperSupportSleeve

All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.

Friday, June 30, 2017

REVIEW: COQ-10 Ubiquinol (Kaneka Ubiquinol™) by #Natrogix

Another great supplement by #Natrogix -- Oh, how I need energy level is zilch with the heat-wave we have here in Florida.

Watch un-boxing video on YouTube:

Buy yours on Amazon:

#COQ10 #Ubiquinol #KanekaUbiquinol 

All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.

REVIEW: Sleep Silk Eye Mask by #OOSILK

I love the size of this silky eye mask!  It's huge and doesn't allow any light to sneak in the sides of the mask.  Plus it's super silky and comfy, and the adjustable headband strap doesn't pinch or get stuck in my hair. 

Arrives in a gift-worthy box...and it has a ribbon!
This is worth every penny and then some!

Watch un-boxing video on YouTube:

Buy yours on their site:

#OOSILK #SleepLikeAbaby #SilkEyeMask

All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.

REVIEW: 95% HCA Garcinia Cambogia Extract by #BioGanix

Curbs my mid-day snacking and doesn't leave me jittery!

Watch un-boxing video on YouTube:

Buy yours on Amazon:

#BioGanix #GarciniaCambogia

All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.

Review: Handmade Swedish Tomte, Nisse, Santa, Sockerbit Sven Gnome by #7ProductGroup

Am loving my handmade Gnome....he's made of high-end felting material with a shimmery undertone. Stands straight-up without falling over. The bottom portion is filled with a bean/rice that make him sturdy. His hands and hat tip have wire, which lends him to have even more charm.  Love it!

Watch un-boxing video on YouTube:

Buy yours on Amazon:
#7ProductGroup #HandmadeSwedishTomte #HandmadeNisse #HandmadeSanta #HandmadeSockerbit #HandmadeSvenGnome #HandmadeGnome

All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.