Sunday, July 2, 2017

REVIEW: Ceramic Flat Iron Hair Straightener by #HSIProfessional

This is a fabulous #Glider ceramic hair straightener! I can't believe it heats up in 15 seconds and glides through my hair once and it's with naturally wavy hair! Up, it's a they sent me all kinds of bonus gifts, too. Aragon oil, Aragon Oil based hairspray, heat-protective glove and storage case...even a Velcro wrapper to keep my cord taught. LOVE IT!

Watch un-boxing video on YouTube:

Buy yours here:

#HSI #HSIProfessional #HSIGlider #CeramicFlatIron #CeramicHairStraighener #StraigheningHair

All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.

REVIEW: Potent Natural Milk Thistle Extract by #Natrogix

I'm so tickled (and so is my body) I started taking this. You won't notice an effect immediately, but rest-assured, when your body adapts, you'll see the results 10 fold. It helps to clean the body out as a whole and once your liver is functioning well (milk thistle's main superpower is liver detoxification), everything else will function better too. I will never stop taking this....thank again, Natrogix for another fabulous supplement!

Buy yours on Amazon:


All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.

REVIEW: Instant CelluMoist and #InstantPeel Exfoliant by Earthen

OMGosh, Flockers! If you are seeking a superior #moisturizer,.....THIS is the real deal! Such a luscious feel....and supple it!

Watch un-boxing video on YouTube:

Buy yours on their site:

#EarthenSkinCare #InstantPeel #InstantPeelExfoliant #TheNaturalSolution #InstantCelluMoist #Moisturizer

All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.

Saturday, July 1, 2017

Review: Copper Fit Compression Wrist Support Sleeve/Brace by #Zone365

Wrist Sleeve is fabulous! Fits nicely, not too tight and nor too lose. Can actually see the copper running through the material.
♫ Oh what a relief it is ♫ aids my wrist pain & makes me so ♫ #Happy

Watch un-boxing video on YouTube:

Buy yours on Amazon:

#CopperWristCompression #Zone #Zone365 #CopperFitCompression #WristSupport #WristSleeve #WristBrace #CopperSupportSleeve

All opinions in my reviews are my own and are not swayed by the fact I received a small discount. If this review was helpful to you, please click “Yes” down below.